Ellsworth, Maine

Call or Text for an Appointment: 207.460.4147

Wendy Lessard, Ellsworth, ME

Licensed Massage Therapy

Restore Function; Support Wellness

  • Want to optimize your preparation for and recovery from joint replacement or repair?
  • Have swelling after surgery or a strain/sprain?
  • Have lymphedema after cancer treatment?
  • Have stubborn pain patterns you can’t relieve?
  • Looking for sessions that integrate lymph, nerve, and soft tissue work?
  • Want to improve sports performance using movement to re-educate your nervous system?
  • Have old or new scars that you’d like to heal faster or stop them from “pulling” on surrounding areas?
  • Want a massage tailored to what’s “talking” in your body that day.

YES to any of these? Keep reading .


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Mainer by birth and choice, I’ve loved being active and in nature since I was a kid. And I’ve always loved learning and valued transforming. Massage is the perfect match for my passions. There’s always more to learn about how the body works, and what “tinkering” can provide so the body can heal itself. I’m a facilitator, not a healer, and I deeply enjoy helping people feel better. I view your sessions as time to create space for your body to change and heal.

Dolphin MPS Units

A review for some upper body Dolphin MPS®:

“Wendy did a series of scar release treatments on some major abdominal scars that I have had for at least 20 years. It seems that these scars and adhesions are impacting other areas of my body, specifically my shoulders. I have been using topical pain relieving ointments multiple times daily and taking Tylenol around the clock. Shortly after my third session, I realized I was no longer applying these ointments, taking Tylenol (at all), my range of motion has increased drastically, and the pain I was experiencing during sleep is no longer happening. It is truly a life changing experience.

Not only does Wendy offer amazing results, but she also provides a space that is safe and inviting from the moment you arrive. She took the time to check in before every appointment to see how and what changes I noticed/felt in my body, did research before my appointments, and truly shows she cares about her clients.” Loving these results!

“Amazing results even on 15 year old scar tissue. No negative side effect. Does not hurt!
Wendy is very professional and caring.
I would highly recommend to anyone having trouble to try this out.
You won’t be disappointed!” ~ Sonia B.


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Further Information on Massage Styles Frequently Used

How does Neural Reset Therapy ® work?

In your body, specialized nerve bundles called mechanoreceptors respond to pressure, velocity, vibration, stretch, etc. When receptors detect a change, a signal is sent to the spinal cord and then to the brain.

With Neural Reset Therapy®, I briefly stimulate the receptors in the selected muscle by asking you to hold a position or move softly in a particular direction. Or I tap on a muscle to cause receptors to send a special message to the spinal cord.

That new message resets the nervous system so the muscle is optimized neurologically. Muscular pain, tightness, or weakness change within seconds.

Click here to see a demo.

Scar Release Therapy®

I’ve been blown away at the impact of MPS treatment of scars on the entire body. Old scars may look “healed” but remain altered at a cellular level, causing stress and torque on our fascia. Connecting scar treatment to special points for lymph, pain, fascial lines, and emotions, can painlessly make significant changes to your body and spirit.

Click here for a reel on treating c-section scar.


Manual Lymphatic Drainage

MLD uses light pressure to help move lymph right below the skin around blocks and towards lymph node clusters. Follows a specific sequence to target our natural lymphatic drainage patterns. I’ve been amazed at how helpful this is for so much beyond cancer care support.

Far Infrared Sauna

Just say yes to heat, music, and wavelengths to support your healing. Due to the dry heat, temps from 105-135 are MOST EFFECTIVE for supporting healing. Dry heat, no moisture mean more people find it easier to breathe. Great to relax tension before a massage, or as a stand alone treatment for wellness, athletic performance, or Fibro, Lyme, arthritis, etc.


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